This time was no different. She’s being sent out to work weekends 7:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. at the local burger joint to earn her keep (I assumed a burger joint - no - Monica was sent to work at a gas station) and along with going to school five days a week, it runs her down. According to the Human Rights Commission, “If she wants to go to work and drop dead on the job, it’s her choice.”
She arrived with her duffle bag full of personal belongings and two plastic bags full of vitamin containers. According to Monica, a few month’s ago she had a visit to Sick Childrens’ Hospital and they gave her a list of vitamins to take to help her condition. It included: Vitamin C, E, Calcium, Omega Oil and CoEnzyme Q10. I’m sure this is not what Boston Sick Children’s Hospital meant by “Vitamin Therapy”. And where was the L-Carnitine?
All a little too late. Is this the best they can do? There is a saying out there that goes something like, “If vitamins can make you feel better, there is a medication that can help a great deal more.”
To think that I had taken her to Naturopathic Doctors before York Region Children’s Aid so rudely invaded our lives. She was taking a similar therapy at that time when she could still hear and Children’s Aid insisted I take her off the vitamins because they “Don’t support Naturopathic Medicine”. I would settle for prescribed medication but they wouldn’t prescribe any. WRONG ANSWER! Off I went to Court to fight my case.
I’m convinced they are going to make a human sacrifice of Monica. This appears to be some kind of a cult!
Next we discussed her plans for University and her teachers give her their full support. She would like to live with me. I like that idea a lot! The condition being I must not say a bad word about my ex-husband and her stepmother. But where will she get the money for University? I don’t have it. I discussed her going to College since I can afford that. WHAT DO I KNOW! I brought to her attention that there are no jobs in this City. I looked for five years and couldn’t find one until now and I have skills and no disabilities.
This was more than Monica could handle and enough to cut our visit short. She called her father to pick her up and he was here in an instant.

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