“There are all these laws but at the end of the day everything is legal.”
A story of fighting "The System" to homeschool a sick child and to find medical attention for her. Monica was a healthy child until she was ten when she became a victim of bullying and developed serious health problems. Monica's Mother was taken to Court by Children's Aid and forced to send Monica back to school. Monica's Mother has lost this battle and Monica continues to struggle with health issues. Monica is not a Ward of the State. Are they trying to make a human sacrifice of Monica?
It’s 9:00 p.m. Monica’s Mother calls Monica and leaves a message on Monica’s cell phone. Monica calls back half an hour later and tells her Mother she went for a walk today at about 3:00 p.m. and a car ran over her foot. Monica bent down to see her foot and she bumped her head on the car so hard that Monica’s head hurts more than Monica’s foot. Monica’s details were sketchy but she did tell her Mother that she was at the doctor to have it checked. Where was Monica’s Mother’s ex-husband? Not at home and Monica’s Mother doesn’t have to know where he is or the address of their new apartment. What’s Monica’s Mother to do? The authorities won’t tell parents where their children are and if they get hit by cars we won’t know if they’re dead or alive or in a coma. Monica, Monica’s Mother and Monica’s Sister are victims of the Newmarket Courthouse and we’re sitting ducks waiting our turn on death row for the authorities to finish their job.
Monica returns Monica’s Mother’s voice message from an hour before. Monica hadn’t been feeling well for the past week and missed working her volunteer job for the entire time. Monica is calling from the hospital. Which one? Monica thinks it’s Western but isn’t sure and isn’t sure where it is but it was quite a drive from Newmarket to get there. Why is Monica there? At first Monica tells her Mother that it was an appointment but, after some cross-questioning, says she’s on IV. Why? Monica doesn’t want to tell her Mother because she’s 19 and it’s none of Monica’s Mother’s business and we say goodbye. After some searching Monica’s Mother finds Toronto Western General Hospital and calls Patient Inquiry and is told that, yes, Monica is in the hospital but has not been assigned a room. Monica’s Mother calls Monica’s Sister who she hasn’t spoken to in over a year because Monica’s Sister won’t return her calls but, this time, Monica’s Sister answers the phone. What are the chances of that happening? Can Monica’s Sister call Monica and find out the details of this hospital visit? Yes, she will. Will Monica’s Mother get more information from Monica or Monica’s Sister as to why Monica is in the hospital? Monica’s Mother doesn’t know.
At 6:00 p.m. Monica was on her way home to Somewhere, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. What happened at the hospital? Monica's Mother doesn't have to know.
I wonder if Monica went to the Library to work in her volunteer job? Monica tells me she takes the bus to get there now. The processor Monica wears that is her hearing aid is very sensitive to moisture and if it gets wet or rained on it will break down. A new processor costs almost $10,000 but, with Government subsidies and a trade in discount, the replacement cost is about $1,500, Monica’s cost, and health plans don't cover this. In any case, about every 8 – 9 years a new processor is necessary. Monica has had this processor for just over a year because the one supplied to Monica at the time of the implant was faulty or maybe refurbished. They weren’t sure.
Along with Monica’s cochlear implant came a one year’s supply of disposable batteries to operate the processor. Three batteries are required for operation and they are removed nightly to conserve the length of the battery and replaced in the morning. They last approx. three days but, with one beep and no other warning, they die and need replacement immediately, no matter where Monica was. It was necessary for Monica to keep a supply in her pocket and purse for immediate use. The cost for a year’s supply of batteries was about $1,200, depending on usage. When Monica’s processor was replaced with a new one, Monica’s Mother opted for the rechargeable battery for $190. When fully charged it lasts about sixteen hours, still to be taken out and recharged overnight, and the life of the rechargeable battery is expected to be two years. So Monica has two batteries that she interchanges daily to ensure that the batteries are charged to their fullest. It’s made all the difference for Monica knowing she’ll be hearing for the full day and there’s no need to always be on alert for battery changes and it’s much more economical.
Monica is busy volunteering at the Library five days a week 9 – 5. It keeps Monica busy but is it right to expect this of a stroke victim? Monica qualifies for disability benefits and it would be best that Monica gets her rest so she can stay healthy. Monica’s Mother’s attempts at applying for this benefit were stonewalled by Monica’s Grandmother. Why can’t Monica stay home? This is inhumane. No medication or physiotherapy for Monica but they keep Monica busy so Monica can run herself down and one day Monica will be just another human sacrifice for the people of Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.
~ "Teachers don't earn what they're worth." ~
~Is there a place for competitive sports in our school system?~
Monica spends quite a bit of time on her own in Newmarket because Monica’s Mother’s ex-husband travels with work and is never home on Saturday evenings. Monica’s Mother thinks the town of Newmarket is pruning Monica for “Independent Living”. It’s the Canadian way! Monica has a Mother who would be so happy to be with Monica and help Monica over life’s hurdles but Monica's Mother has been removed from Monica’s life by the authorities and the judges and lawyers of the Newmarket Courthouse. Monica is an experiment for a group of insane, overeducated people who need charity cases to move up in the social classes and need a reason to stay there. May God strike them all dead!
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